
Surgery Basics in 4D
With MultiMedia Integration
2nd Edition
An App designed for Medical Students and Physician Assistants, during their General Surgery Clerkship and Rotation. Contains simplified surgical procedures and animations so students understand the steps of the operation and different approaches to treatment. You won't look lost in the OR anymore!
We provide services to convert e-books and other printed books to digital, fully interactive 4D books.
If you are an author, and would like us to convert your book into a fully digital and interactive 4D book, we have options for you!
Let us know if you would like to join our collaborative team
Interactive: 3D models, labels and anatomy layers

Simplified animations of complex surgeries

Highlight, comment and bookmark your textbook!

Complement your learning with selected web results

About Us
Interactive learning is at the core of our products. Our platform allows virtually any topic to be experiences in a multi-sensorial manner, enhancing the learning experience. We make even the most basic books come to life with interactive learning tools and animations.